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Starting school in August 2025?

If your child will be ready to start school in August 2025, you will need to register with Leicester City Council to apply for a place with us at Forest Lodge Academy.

We warmly welcome children and families to visit us so you can meet with the Headteacher and members of the teaching team, enjoy a tour of the school and learn about our curriculum, values and activities.

If you would like to visit us, please call 0116 287 1220 or email [email protected] to book a convenient time. 

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Admissions policies

Academy admissions policy

Forest Lodge Academy admissions policy can be found below. Please note places are capped at 90 in each year group.

Forest Lodge Academy admissions policy 2024-2025

Forest Lodge Academy admissions policy 2025-2026

Local Authority admissions policy

The Local Authority Admission Policy can be found by clicking on the links below:

Leicester City Council Admission arrangements for 2024-25

Leicester City Council Admission arrangements for 2025-26

Catchment area map