Online safety has a high profile at Forest Lodge Academy for all stakeholders. We ensure this profile is maintained and that pupil needs are met by the following:
Relevant up-to-date online safety curriculum, which is progressive from Early Years to the end of Year 6.
A curriculum that is threaded throughout other curriculums and embedded in the day-to-day lives of our pupils.
Safer Internet Day celebrated with a collaborative parent – child poster competition
Training for staff and governors, which is relevant to their needs and ultimately positively impacts on the pupils.
Scheduled pupil voice sessions and learning walks that inform training needs.
Through our home/school links and communication channels, parents are kept up to date with relevant online safety matters, policies and agreements. They know who to contact at school if they have concerns.
Our online safety policy (part of our safeguarding policy) clearly states how monitoring of online safety is undertaken and any incidents/infringements to it are dealt with.
Filtering and monitoring systems for all our online access.