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“Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility”

Children have a right to be cared for and protected, protecting them is everyone’s responsibility. Here at Forest Lodge Academy we have a duty of care to ensure that all users of the school are kept safe from harm. We are committed to provide a secure and supportive environment in which children can develop and grow into mature and responsible people. Safeguarding children is an essential part of our holistic approach to ensure that children are protected from abuse and neglect and that every child reaches their full potential.


Safeguarding Information

We are committed to safeguarding and meeting the needs of all our pupils. This provides some useful advice and information when working with our pupils.

Annually all of our school staff have safeguarding and child protection training.  This is delivered by the Headteacher or a DSL who have had up to date regional / national training.  All members of staff have a duty of care no matter their position and it is essential that all understand effective safeguarding processes, procedures and reporting.

Each term the school receives a compliance monitoring visit from the Trust Safeguarding Lead to ensure all procedures are in line with KCSIE.  The Chair of the Academy Governing Body also carries out a termly monitoring visit and a safeguarding pupil learning walk to ensure all pupils know how to stay safe and seek support when needed.  Trust compliance checklists are also returned termly as well as a safeguarding area focus in our termly Quality Assurance visit by the Director Of Schools.

The Academy DSLs meet regularly to discuss open Child protection / CIN / TAF pupils and their families to discuss need / support or next steps.

All staff are vigilant and the school promotes a culture of safeguarding.

What are your responsibilities as a visitor to our school?

All those who come into contact with the pupils have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children.  Supply teachers/students will be briefed on arrival to site before they begin work. They will be aware of possible signs and indicators of abuse and will bring their concerns immediately to a DSL.

School age students and other volunteers will not have received child protection training and MUST NEVER be left alone with a child/children at any point; a CP trained member of staff should always be in sight/hearing of a student/volunteer.

DBS Checks

Forest Lodge Academy requires all adults who work in a regulated activity to be checked through the Disclosure and Barring Service.  If you are volunteering we will ask you to complete various forms and provide photo I.D. not only to verify your identity, but to provide contact details.  You are required to inform the head immediately if you become subject to any criminal investigation.

You must also declare if you are living with someone who has committed an offence against children. Debarring by Association. Everyone in our school is asked to make this declaration as they come into contact with under 8’s.

What you should do if you are worried about a child?

Whilst working with a child, if you become worried about:

  • Comments made by a child
  • Marks or bruising on a child
  • Changes in a child’s behaviour or de-meaner
  • Disclosures of any nature that may indicate risk of harm to a child
  • You must report these concerns to a Designated Safeguarding Lead and log the concern on My Concern after having done so.

If a child makes a disclosure to you

  • Listen, allow the child to talk freely.
  • Reassure but DON’T promise anything.
  • DO NOT promise confidentiality.
  • DO NOT interrogate, do not ask them to write it down.
  • Reassure them that it was right to talk.

What if a child expresses concern about a staff member?

If a child expresses concern about a staff member it must be reported to the Headteacher immediately.  If it is about the Headteacher it must be reported to the Chair of Governors where appropriate procedures will be put in place.

Appropriate Behaviour

  • As a visitor or volunteer you may well work closely with pupils. We need to have mutual trust and respect.
  • Appropriate dress must be worn at all times.
  • All staff are role models to our pupils and the code of conduct is shared with all staff / visitors.
  • Do not photograph/record the pupils without permission using a school device.
  • Do not exchange numbers or engage on social media with any pupils.


It is expected of everybody in school not to discuss anything they hear or see on site with anybody else.  Confidentiality procedures must be adhered to for everyone’s benefit.

Do you have a safeguarding concern?

As a parent or member of the public we all have a duty of care to ensure that we support the safeguarding of all young people and those who are deemed vulnerable. If you have a safeguarding concerns or if you believe someone’s life is in immediate danger then you should call 999, otherwise you can call Leicester City Duty and Advice Line on 0116 454 1004.   You will be able to discuss and share you concern with them, you can remain anonymous, however, it is helpful if you are able to share who you are, which will remain confidential. This allows them to be able to filter out malicious calls.

Local Safeguarding Authority

Leicester City also have a designated website with more in depth information and advice called the Leicester Safeguarding Children Partnership Board (LSCPB). LSCPB | Home ( where you can also get up to date advice for the correct service needed.

Safeguarding Curriculum

Keeping children safe is a key priority in school. Safeguarding takes many forms including: protecting children from harm; preventing impairment of children’s health and development; enabling safe and effective parenting and giving children equal opportunities in life.

We do many things every day in school to ensure pupils are safe including: ensuring all staff are trained in safeguarding; having clear policies and procedures in place to keep children safe; monitoring pupil attendance; ensuring a safe and healthy site; ensuring the behaviour of pupils is in line with the Academy behaviour policy and using our curriculum to teach children about risk taking, diversity, healthy lifestyles, managing relationships, online safety and much more.

A culture of safeguarding is embedded at Forest Lodge Academy. We pride ourselves in knowing our children and the needs of both the individuals within our community and the needs of the wider community itself. As a result of our knowledge and experience of the challenges some of our students face, we recognise that they are at greater risk of:

  • Online Safety – This is addressed by our online safety curriculum delivered through the PSHE and Computing Curriculum. We also use SENSO to monitor student’s computer use whilst using academy owned devices.
  • Mental health and Well-being – This is addressed by our PSHE curriculum using Jigsaw as a basis. This connects the pieces of Personal, Social, Health and Well-Being Education with a block of lessons specifically focusing on Mental Health for each year group. The programme teaches children emotional literacy, social- and lifelong skills, RSE/RSHE and resilience in an age-appropriate manner. Forest Lodge Academy is part of the NHS Link Programme.  This has been developed to increase earlier access to support with mental health and wellbeing. A trained NHS Educational Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP) is based in school one day a week to help support pupils and help to increase a whole school approach to mental health wellbeing. The EMHP works closely with mental health leaders to ensure that the needs of pupils within the school are identified and bespoke interventions to individual pupils offered.  In addition to this programme we have our own Mental Health First Aiders trained on site to support pupils and their families when needed. We have also most recently introduced Art therapy approaches. Where students require CAMHS support a referral will be completed and staff and parents work in partnership to offer the best support for the pupil.
  • Domestic Abuse – The school receives Operation Encompass emails daily when there has been an incident outside of school which involves any agency and pupils were present.  Operation Encompass is a process that informs schools of reported domestic abuse incidents, where a child has been in the same household or is affected by the incident, during the next school day. The schools Designated Safeguarding Leads are contacted after the referral to discuss the incident. Encompass is managed and run in the MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) which is able to link Police, Social Care and Health information about children. The school works closely with LWA (Living Without Abuse) some pupils have weekly interventions and support if they have witnessed Domestic Abuse.
  • Community issues including anti-social behaviour and drug misuse  – We work with many different partnerships educating our pupils about appropriate behaviours and the effects of Drug misuse.  Themed assemblies / workshops are used to reinforce these matters including the use of the local police neighbourhood officers to discuss community issues such as knife crime, county lines, criminal damage etc.  This is also embedded into the curriculum age appropriately.
  • Risk of FGM – We educate children on their rights, through PSHE/RSE and Oracy and this is our way of starting the conversation and laying the foundations of  FGM.  As we know that girls are most risk between the ages of 5 – 12 years old, and as a primary school we play an important part in safeguarding girls from FGM. FGM is a safeguarding issue and is treated like any child protection concern. It is a mandatory part of safeguarding training and is undertaken yearly by all staff.

In addition to ensuring our safeguarding procedures, displays around the academy and training are of the highest standard and ensuring staff remain vigilant, we also recognise the need to safeguard our children through education and the curriculum within school.

Please see below the Safeguarding / RSHE Long term plan that is followed:

Safeguarding Policy

Keeping Children Safe In Education

SMSC satelite map

FLA RSHE long term curriculum plan 23/24

Pupil support page